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5 Annoying Things When Going On A Day Out

Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Category: Uncategorised

Posted by Shane Scanlon

We all love days out with the family, but we can all relate to these five things that make you question whether that day out is worthwhile after all…


1.    Long Car Journeys

Fasten your seatbelts parents; it’s going to be a long ride. Three excited, screaming kids in the back of the car as you’re speeding along the mortorway at 70mph is not want you want for three hours, but that’s exactly what you’ll be getting.


But they seem so cute...


2.    Extortionate Prices 

You thought your local high street was expensive, try that gift shop or fast food outlet and add a couple of quid to every single food & drink item. And we won’t even mention the entry prices… *gulp*


That'll be £6.99 please


3.    Queue Jumpers

There must be someone out there inventing something entertaining to do while queuing. Quite simply the dullest ‘activity’ forced upon you, your boredom turns to rage as you see an individual stroll through a queue without so much as a peep from the polite, mild mannered persons such as yourself.

4.   Poor Manners

Continuing nicely from No. 3, poor manners in any shape or form has to be one of the most annoying things when on a day out. Try not to get too stressed up, breathe deeply, and tell yourself you are likely to never see that person again…



5.    Broken Or Closed Exhibits

You’ve travelled 50 miles and your eager child can’t wait to check out that awesome new science exhibit or go on the new rollercoaster. Oh wait. They can’t. Because it’s shut. No warnings on website, no refunds, unhappy child. Extremely annoying.


I don't think we can go this way kids...


About the author

Shane Scanlon

Shane loves the outdoors and travels around the UK visiting and reviewing all the top attractions.

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