Posted by Shane Scanlon
Tonight is all Hallows eve! But if you’re still stuck with ideas of what to do tonight, check out our list of the top 5 things you can do!
Visit the London/The York Dungeons
Is there anywhere better to go on Halloween, than to a dungeon?! It’s doubtful. With Sweeney Todd giving one of his famous shaves (well… almost) in London Dungeons and Eric Bloodaxe, the last Viking King of York showing you how he’s earned his nickname, it would be hard to choose between the two! One things for certain, the Master of Tricks will be playing his mischievous games in both, so beware…
Halloween runs until Sunday 2nd November in the Dungeons, so book now to avoid disappointment!
Links to the dungeons:
Catching ghosts at Explosion! Museum of Naval Firepower
If walking around Dungeons aren’t your cup of tea, then maybe catching ghosts will be. Starting from 11am, the Explosion! Museum of Naval Firepower in Hampshire will help you create your own “ghost catcher with a simple film canister and baking powder, that will pop up and create a supernatural scare”! If that doesn’t float your ghost, if you can hold out until November 21st, you could stay overnight for a Paranormal Investigation…
Link to the museum:
Bake some Halloween treats!
If you have some time before going out trick or treating, or before guests arrive for a Halloween party, bake some Halloween treats! There’s tonnes of recipes to follow online, there are loads of Halloween food puns to be made! Anyone for finger sandwiches?
Watch the scariest films
Horror and Halloween go hand in hand. There is no two ways about it. So why not gather some other friends who have no plans, stick on Omen or Nightmare on Elm Street, or whatever terrifies you the most, grab some popcorn and have a Fright Fest in your own home. Or have it on your own… if you feel brave enough.
Simply go Trick or Treating
Halloween is a lot more fun when you’re younger. Free sweets on this night, this year, every year? Amazing! So simply spreading the Halloween spirit this year to the younger generation, will surely brighten up your evening? Dress up in a make-shift, last minute costume and either go around with a younger relative, or hand out the sweets. (But please make sure the children are accompanied by an adult.