Posted by Shane Scanlon
The Beast from the East, combined with Storm Emma, has sent the UK into a week of fresh hell. No one knows what to do, whether they should go to work or how they can possibly survive without 15 loaves of bread stockpiled at home. For us down in the South East, the worst has passed (although as this post is being written the snow has started once again), but for those all around the country still experiencing the blistering winds and icy tundra that is your local high street, the weather is snow joke…
In all seriousness, the snow is at Red, Amber and Yellow alerts for most of the country. Whoever said March was the month of spring has lied to us, and we are not happy. Whilst the first day of snow is amusing, the novelty has worn off and is wearing thin (like our patience). So, there won’t be many Days Out in the UK this weekend we feel – as it’s advisable to remain inside in the adverse weather conditions. So, instead of telling you about all the wonderful attractions (that are most likely closed), we’re going to talk to you about ways to keep yourself amused this weekend!
Yes, if you’re stuck inside, entrapped by the snow, then you’re going to be pretty bored of daytime telly. However, we’ve got some fun alternatives you can try if you don’t fancy watching multiple episodes of Jeremy Kyle and Come Dine With Me… Here’s our list of things you can do this weekend instead of venturing into the cold.
Yes, board games can make or break a family weekend. Monopoly is out the window (quite literally thrown out the window in some homes). So, maybe it’s time to dust off the playing cards and teach the family poker? Or, there’s always good old UNO. Any game would be fun, but if you want to cause a rift in the household, we’d recommend monopoly.
One thing that some couples and families may find themselves doing is giving the house a fresh coat of paint, on the inside. Since you’ll be trapped inside, there’s really not much excuse – unless you find yourself without paint, paint brushes, wall paper or the energy to bother. Hey, don’t look at us, we’re only suggesting things to do.
Are you sick of the items dating back to the early 80s in your wardrobe? Well, whilst you’re snowed in, it may be the perfect time to have a big clear out in your wardrobe! Not only will you free some space up, but you can take your clothes that you don’t want anymore to homeless shelters and charity shops around the country, to keep those at risk warm through the cold weather. Remember, every donation helps so if you’ve got some clothes you don’t wear anymore, donate!
And if all of that doesn’t tickle your fancy, venture into the wild and chuck some snowballs at each other. Alleviate that boredom by engaging in some semi-non-violent fun. As long as no one takes a snowball to the face, or a block of ice to the head, you should be fine. Remember to wrap up warm!
The MET Office has advised to stay in doors / don’t travel if you can avoid it in this weather. So, have a nice weekend in. Maybe read all of our old Blogs or scroll through our Events page to kill some time? Why not. And hopefully, better weather will spring upon us soon… Until then! Stay warm, stay safe and maybe don’t venture for a Day Out this weekend.