Posted by Shane Scanlon
What conversation is the topic of every office discussion and winter gathering before Christmas? You’ve seen the shops littered with décor and heard the tunes on the radio, but when, WHEN DOES CHRISTMAS ACTUALLY BEGIN? It drives families and friends apart, but when is it socially acceptable to start talking about Christmas and putting up decorations in your home? Well, we’re going to settle this, once and for all.
The general consensus in our office is when December begins, (although, one staff member casually suggested Christmas begins on the 25th…) But, the general vibe is that Christmas begins, in the month of December. And rightly so. Anything festive pre-late November is what you’ll see in shops. Like Selfridges opening their Christmas shop on September 4th…
So, without further ado, here’s 5 reasons why Christmas doesn’t start until December.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, what do they have in common? CHRISTMAS. And what dates are they on? 24th and 25th of DECEMBER. We shouldn’t need to show you our working out to prove that the Christmas period begins in the month CHRISTMAS IS IN. Even in America, where Christmas is commercialised at a huge scale, they respect the Christmas rule. November is for Thanksgiving. Don’t over shadow other important events in November like Remembrance Day and Bonfire Night with pre-emptive Christmas nonsense… (give Guy Fawkes some credit for the stupidest plot in history). Let the other months do their own thing!
As you know, we love a day out at DOUK. And, in December, we love a Christmas day out. Christmas markets, meeting Santa, perusing winter wonderlands – we love it. BUT ONLY IN DECEMBER. Don’t let the events listed as Christmas ones in November fool you, the real Christmas magic begins in December and starts at DOUK. To see all our great Christmas events (in December) check out our events page, by clicking HERE.
It’s not Christmas until Bublé is officially sighted.He emerges from his year long slumber to grace our ears with the finest Christmas CD of the 21st century (take that Justin Bieber, no one liked your Christmas album). The undisputed symbol of Christmas covers, once Bublé emerges the Christmas flood gates are opened. And, let’s be honest, Christmas music loses its charm pretty quickly, so let’s not exhaust the Christmas tunes before the big day, yeah?
Any celebrations of Christmas before December is a marketing trap! - don’t let it fool you! The decorations in the shops in October are subliminally signalling you to start buying your presents early, which is smart for them, but not for you. Don’t forget about all the sweet discounts and deals you get in December. Don’t let the Christmas marketing plan draw you in, it’s a clever tick – but you won’t fool us!
Finally, we asked everyone in the office and it was confirmed that it is OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS IN DECEMBER. So, don’t exhaust Mariah Carrey and fall into marketing traps before the 1st, Christmas begins when we say so (we’ve carried out the polls after all, so…) But of course, December is only a few days away… sooooooooo it’s nearly time!
To talk about Christma…